Additional components include: Engine wiring harness Exhaust manifolds Catalytic converters Oxygen sensors and sensor bosses Fuel tank evaporative emissions canister Mass airflow sensor and sensor boss Accelerator pedal (for use with the GMPP electronic throttle body) Air filter Instruction manual.
In addition to the E-ROD system, the builder will need to source additional components to complete the assembly and get the vehicle running. They include: Fuel tank Fuel lines (re-circulating or returnless) Fuel pump Fuel tank vent line from the tank to the evaporative emissions canister Purge line from the canister to the engine purge solenoid Air induction system that incorporates the mass airflow sensor Exhaust system behind the catalytic converters A check engine light (wiring and circuitry included in kit) Each engine requires a front-end accessory drive system suitable to the vehicle. The instruction manual includes recommendations for the accessory drive kit, as well as the transmission, gear ratios and more. GMPP offers two configurations of the accessory drive systems to suit different applications; each allows the installer to easily delete air conditioning.
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