A new reality show set to debut this fall will focus on Coker Tire owner Corky Coker and his family as they search barns in hopes of finding old cars that can be restored. The series, called “Barn Finds,” will also feature Corky’s father, Hal, daughter Casey and son-in-law Greg.
“We will find cars in old barns and negotiate and buy them,” Coker recently told Chatter Chattanooga. “There’s a legendary story of finding a gem in an old barn. That’s called a ‘barn find.’”
The show will air on the Travel Channel within the next few months.
“‘Barn Finds’ follows antique car expert Corky Coker, and his team, on a freewheeling road trip through the back roads and small towns of the Deep South,” according to a description released by the Travel Channel. “A man on a mission, Coker is on the hunt for barn finds—automotive diamonds-in-the-rough that have been hidden away or just forgotten for years.”
Coker Tire, founded in 1958 by Hal Coker, is the world’s largest provider of collector car tires, according to the company. It now has 10 different businesses operating under the Coker Tire brand, including Honest Charley, which is run by Corky’s son-in-law Greg and will be the focal point of the show.
Some of the vehicles that will be featured on the show include old Fords, muscle cars, a Pierce Arrow and a Packard, according to an interview Corky did with the Chattanooga Times Free Press.
No official premiere date for the show has been announced.
(Photo: Coker Tire Facebook Page)