1955 Chevy Tri-Five Body Rust Repair - Body Check[/B]

Unless it's been kept in a bubble or climate-controlled garage since new, most 55-year-old cars are going to have some rust. In the case of our project '55, we have more than just some.Unless it's been kept in a bubble or climate-controlled garage since new, most 55-year-old cars are going to have some rust. In the case of our project '55, we have more than just some. Over five decades of living its life outside have given our hardtop a decent case of cancer in the usual areas where Tri-Fives like to rot.

Photo Gallery: 1955 Chevy Tri-Five Body Rust Repair - Super Chevy Magazine

Photo Gallery: 1955 Chevy Tri-Five Body Rust Repair - Super Chevy Magazine

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