1956 Chevy LED Tail Light Conversion - I Said Stop![/B]

Driving a classic car out on the road is stressful enough these days without having to live with the fear that at any moment some idiot is going to smack into the back of your pride and joy.Driving a classic car out on the road is stressful enough these days without having to live with the fear that at any moment some idiot is going to smack into the back of your pride and joy. Thankfully, some cars will stop automatically, but the rest of the tailgaters who multitask while they drive are still a serious threat. Trust us, there are few things worse than watching in your rearview as some jackhole locks up his brakes, while you grip the steering wheel and go to maximum pucker point as they ram into your car.

Photo Gallery: 1956 Chevy LED Tail Light Conversion - Dakota Digital LED Tail Lights - Super Chevy Magazine

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