How To Identify Fittings - Getting Fit - Tech

How To Identify One From AnotherHere's the scenario: It's Saturday morning and you begin a project/update/repair on your truck that you've told yourself will only take half an hour or so to complete. Before you know it, an hour has passed and you're still searching through several coffee cans full of fittings for the last one needed to complete the chore, but nothing seems to fit. In desperation, you jam a couple of fittings together with enough Teflon tape to bandage your head, but your rod now leaks like the Valdez. So you're off to the local parts house where the kid behind the counter wants to know the make, model, and year of the car, and if it has air conditioning. He then points you to a cabinet full of fittings, most of which are in the wrong bins, and now the challenge is to figure out what fits with what, so you waste even more time trying to make things fit. If something like this has ever happened to you, your pals at Custom Classic Trucks want to help.

Photo Gallery: How To Identify Fittings - Custom Classic Trucks Magazine

Photo Gallery: How To Identify Fittings - Custom Classic Trucks Magazine

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