Home Made Cab Crane - Cool Tools

If you're anything like me (and for your sake let's hope not) you more than likely spend a lot of your shop time working alone.If you're anything like me (and for your sake let's hope not) you more than likely spend a lot of your shop time working alone. For the most part that's a good thing as work seems to progress much faster without distractions associated with helpers-like idle chat, second-guessing, and large amounts of adult beverages. But there are times when a pair of helping hands comes in pretty darn handy-like when you need to lift large or heavy objects.inline_mediumwraptextrightFor me working alone is for the most part a blessing-no interruptions, no questions, no second-guessing by concerned spectators, and best of all no complaints about listening to talk radio rather than rock 'n' roll. That said there are times when an extra pair of hands would come in quite handy. My years of solo garage time have served me well in many ways. For one thing, it's kept a lot of my stupid mistakes between me and my dog, and it's motivated me to come up with a slew of problem solvers, which sometimes actually do solve problems.27697672/tech/1003clt_home_made_cab_crane1003clt_02_o+home_made_ cab_crane+rust_damage.jpgTrue

Photo Gallery: Home Made Cab Crane - Classic Trucks Magazine

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